Indoor vertical gardening solution
Planter pole is a centrepiece of botanical beauty; an indoor vertical gardening solution with no hard fixings.
A product ideal for users living in rental spaces, unable to make permanent changes to interiors, adaptable to a range of ceiling heights (span 2100-2700).
Product design
Design for manufacture
Project Background
Having tried various solutions for vertically displaying plants in a small indoor space, our client wanted to create an improved and simplified vertical garden design as an alternative to existing outdated designs and diffucult to assemble cumbersome solutions.
The Process
We conducted in-depth studies of solutions on the market including cost analysis, product features, distribution etc. We then developed the design concept, validated mechanism design and determined cost effective manufacturing methods that suit the pared back aesthetic we wanted to achieve, without compromising on easy assembly.
The Results
An indoor vertical gardening solution; consisting of a main pole, a levelling foot and arms. It’s strong sturdy construction safely elevates plants to different heights, ensuring all plants are on display.
Created a design and strategy for launch with low quantity before scaling
Product available for purchase online

The Outcomes
Stage Zero design concepts used for successful pre sale